Motivational speaker, serial entrepreneur, event host, author, coach, limitless.

how to get paid to give advice
No, you can’t pick my brain.
Discover how to get paid to give advice and stop doing work for free. While it can be uncomfortable - and some people might even judge you - most people will respect you for knowing the value of your own time. #PayMe

Color Outside The Lines of Your Career
Sam empowers young professionals to design their dream lifestyles from scratch. She brings real-world perspective on how work has evolved and how to best leverage its new opportunities.
Sam passionately demonstrates ways to leverage the growing freelance economy and why its the quickest and most secure route to becoming a self-employed entrepreneur, earning freedom over your schedule, location and finances.
In this talk, you’ll discover:
The 3 myths and flawed mindsets that hold people back from pursuing freelance and leveraging the gig economy
How Sam has built a multiple six-figures freelance business, with diversified revenue streams, while working less than 30 hours / week and from dozens of countries around the world
Why the coveted digital nomad lifestyle is totally in reach

“Sam’s story of leveraging the gig economy to create a lifestyle that's uniquely her is courageous and incredibly inspiring.”
women who freelance